About Rooftop
To contribute to a more sustainable world, cities must also undergo transformations. There is often too little green space and the focus on climate-oriented construction is still limited. A fairly simple way to improve this is to make better use of roofs.
Roofs can provide greater potential than mere protection from the natural elements alone. Architects, artists and residents across the globe have been confirming this by coming up with innovative, climate-driven and easy-to-use designs and applications for roofs. Inspire yourself!
The greatest challenge facing us as citizens of Planet Earth over the next ten years is climate change! Many of us have long been aware of our need to treat the environment differently, but now is the time for action: it is a race against the clock. Renewable energy sources and electromobility are solutions for the future. But deforestation, pollution of the sea and air and the loss of biodiversity are topics which should be prioritised too.
Cities will also have to undergo significant makeovers. Most towns and cities have a lack of green open spaces and there is too little focus on eco-friendly buildings. Often, resources now readily available for use are being overlooked. One of these unexploited resources are our rooftops! In particular, flat and cheerless rooftops – a commodity that Heerlen has in abundance.
When SCHUNCK first launched the idea of the Heerlen Rooftop Project in 2018, we were motivated by a dream of transforming our grey and uninviting rooftop landscape into one of green spaces, where people could meet for fun and relaxation. They would be places where food could be produced, biodiversity stimulated and natural energy and rainwater innovatively harnessed, so that ultimately, they make a positive contribution to the environment and our social community. A future-proof city is our dream for Heerlen! And roofs can certainly play their part in this.
Rooftop Heerlen is not a one-time festival or initiative; it is a multi-year process. SCHUNCK is not the ‘owner’ of Rooftop Heerlen, but plays the part of initiator, coordinator and connector. In early 2018, a start was made with detailing the idea and researching the feasibility of various plans. 2019 was spent on an international ideas competition for which 53 agencies from 12 countries submitted their ideas. In 2022, the first Heerlen Rooftop Festival will take place.
The key aim of this project is to promote awareness – in particular, amongst property owners, administrators and residents – by pointing out the untapped potential of Heerlen’s rooftops.
For the time being, it remains a dream. Help us achieve our goal of transforming Heerlen’s flat and dreary roofs into a stunningly green and sustainable rooftop landscape!