Art piece of the month: The Room by Tanja Ritterbex
Every month curator Virginia Hameleers chooses a work of art from the SCHUNCK Collection that inspires her, fascinates her or occupies her in another way. Art that is too beautiful not to share. In January, the art is by Tanja Ritterbex.
The first acquisition of the year is now a fact as The Room by Tanja Ritterbex has been added to the collection. All the more reason to give this painting some extra attention this month.
Virginia: "Ritterbex's work is characteristically colorful and full of energy. Tanja Ritterbex paints figuratively and her work actually always features people. Often she herself plays the leading role. But in this work it is different: there is no human to be seen and that was a challenge, Ritterbex said. She wanted to paint an uncluttered room and chose her daughter's room to do so. A busy, cluttered children's room, where toys and things fit together like abstract shapes like a puzzle. She prefers to paint objects in such a way that they are no longer immediately recognizable, allowing the viewer to create something recognizable for themselves out of the unrecognizable."
Curious about the painting? Come see it at the newly opened Art Depot in the exhibition 'Emile Roemer's selection'.
Tanja Ritterbex, The Room, 2023, acrylverf op doek, 130 x 100 cm, collectie SCHUNCK, gemeente Heerlen.