New Art Depot and Atrium opened at SCHUNCK
At the end of January, both the new Art Depot and the Atrium were opened at SCHUNCK. The spaces not only offer more visibility for the art collection, but above all make the collection structurally accessible to the public.
A well-filled hall of the Glaspaleis provided a cozy but intimate opening of the new museum spaces of SCHUNCK. Kor Bonnema, director of SCHUNCK, took care of the welcome speech, where the (re)construction project was explained in detail. Architect Wiel Arets then took over: "Heerlen has always had the ambition to be ahead. We are grateful to have contributed to restoring the Glaspaleis to its former glory and creating this living room of the city."
Fabian de Kloe, artistic director of SCHUNCK Museum continued by explaining the importance of being able to display the SCHUNCK collection, as well as the role Nic. Tummers played in the renovation. The opening continued in the Atrium, where provincial governor of Limburg King Emile Roemer - who is in charge of the first 'The selection of' exhibition - was given the floor. "A depot is normally only nice for the people who work there. The works need to be seen, we need to pause more and wonder again. That is why it is so good that the Art Depot is becoming public again. I am honored to open the first four shelves of the Art Depot with my selection."
With these words, the Art Depot was officially opened.
Nic. Tummers
An exhibition about Nic. Tummers is currently on display in the Atrium. Tamira Tummers - Nic's daughter - spoke about her father, his exhibition and his relationship with Heerlen. "Nic. was always busy with new sightlines, both at home and in his work. He could have had his heart set on it here. The Atrium looks from the church to the market, and vice versa. An ideal location for an exhibition about a sculptor stepping into the city."
Councilman Jordy Clemens closed with a speech, especially inviting visitors to tour the spaces. "Where the two lighthouses, or chimneys of the Oranje Nassau mines, have long been a symbol for Heerlen, I can so imagine that in a few years the Glaspaleis and its location next to the historic Pancratius Church, will adorn postcards of Heerlen. An ideal combination of the adventurous contrast that is Heerlen."
About the Art Depot
In the Art Depot, which is accessible free of charge, the SCHUNCK collection is displayed in changing thematic presentations in an interactive way. To show the variety of collection works of SCHUNCK, a constantly changing selection of works is presented on the shelves of the first rows of the depot. This is connected to ongoing exhibitions in SCHUNCK and/or current events.
The Art Depot consists of three different rooms, each with a different exhibition. Two rooms always form a thematic exhibition that changes every six months. The first exhibition gets the theme 'looking', with works from the collection that people really have to look at, that contain surprises, or that put you on the wrong foot. The third room has space for the exhibition curated by a guest. Currently, provincial governor of Limburg Emile Roemer presents his choice of works from the SCHUNCK collection. This is a first edition of a series called 'The selection of'. This series is presented several times a year by a new guest curator connected to Heerlen/Parkstad.
A glass canopy has transformed the space between the Glaspaleis and the School of Music and Dance into a fully-fledged exhibition space. As an enrichment of the museum, the covered patio offers a great opportunity to exhibit special three-dimensional works, for example as part (extension) of exhibitions or as a way of presenting artists' work. SCHUNCK opens the new Atrium with the exhibition Jacobs Dream, which shows one of the ideas and dreams of Nic. Tummers for Heerlen.
The Atrium can be visited on presentation of a museum ticket and reached through the museum gallery. The Art Depot is free and open to everyone, and can be visited through the main entrance of SCHUNCK Glaspaleis. Check the event calender for the current exhibition in both the museum and the Art Depot, as well as in the Atrium.