Sponsors evening Keith Haring: Grace House Mural

7 Jun 2022

On Thursday 2 June a festive evening was held in SCHUNCK to thank our sponsors and partners for the Keith Haring: Grace House Mural exhibition.  

Thanks to our partners and sponsors, more than a thousand pupils from special, primary and secondary schools have been introduced to the work of this world-famous artist. Not only young people, but many adult Keith Haring fans too, have been taking the opportunity to visit this unique exhibition in the heart of Heerlen.

During this special evening, our partners were allowed access to the exhibition, were given an explanatory introduction by curator Cynthia Jordens, plus a presentation by friend of the artist, Jan Rothuizen. The evening was concluded with refreshments.

SCHUNCK Keith Haring sponsoravond 2
SCHUNCK Keith Haring sponsoravond 4
SCHUNCK sponsoravond

Sponsoravond bij SCHUNCK


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