Vijfde editie David Bade tekent Heerlen onder de tafel

Fifth edition David Bade draws down Heerlen

David Bade was once again in Heerlen from 7 to 18 September 2015 for David Bade draws down Heerlen #5. This time artist David Bade met Heerlen expats and commuters in a former cinema foyer opposite the main railway station.

Bade draws expats and commuters

Bade can often be found in places which are symbolic for departures, arrivals, farewells and reunions, but which are also representative of the transition the city is currently undergoing. For this edition, Bade engaged in conversation with locals who have moved away from the city and with outsiders who have relocated to Heerlen. How much had their views about the city changed in 2015?

With his tried and trusted manner of conducting personal conversations, Bade uncovered imagery around the theme of domestic migration. It was on the basis of these conversations that Bade was able to add new works of art, in this case portraits, to Heerlen’s municipal art collection.

Video clip of David Bade #5 - Heerlen CS

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