Opening Parkstad Limburg Prijs (plp) 2022 (1)

SCHUNCK Museum Heerlen for a great day out

Visit SCHUNCK Museum in Heerlen for various exhibitions and a cultural day out in Zuid-Limburg. 

SCHUNCK Museum is small in square metres, but big in ambitions. At SCHUNCK, you will find a diverse range of modern and contemporary art and architecture, spread across different spaces within the monumental Glaspaleis. Although SCHUNCK has a sizeable permanent collection, it is not on permanent display.  

SCHUNCK's changing exhibition spaces display something new every time. The museum gallery, the atrium and the art depot are all used alternately for various presentations. The same applies to the Aad de Haas gallery, the store window, the staircase and the vide, which are all publicly accessible spaces. Check the museum calendar for the current presentations. 

Heerlen Maankwartier

Maankwartier Heerlen

Come to SCHUNCK, enjoy Heerlen  

Are you visiting Heerlen for SCHUNCK? Then don't forget to enjoy all the other cultural delights the city has to offer. Combine the offerings and turn it into an artistic day out in Heerlen.   
How to get there and where to park >

Street art in Heerlen   

Heerlen is known for its street art. To give the city a bit more schwung, various initiatives - together with the municipality - have invested in murals on various buildings since 2013. Sometimes small in a corner, sometimes exuberant and wall-sized. Now, more than a decade later, Heerlen has become the street art capital of the Netherlands.  

Tip: book a guided tour at

Heerlen Street Art - eefje pieters

Street art in Heerlen


A few streets away from SCHUNCK Glaspaleis is the Dutch mining museum (Mijnmuseum). The museum has been around since 2005, but got a new look and feel in 2022 - partly due to its move into a monumental 1940s department store. The museum takes visitors through the history of the mines in an interactive, aesthetic and colourful way.  

Nieuwe Nor  

Heerlen's (and the surrounding area's) premier pop venue hosts a range of concerts, dance nights and other pop culture-related activities every week. Check out the programme and end your day with a gig or night out, be it Rock, Dance or HipHop. Nieuwe Nor is right behind SCHUNCK, so distance doesn't matter either.  

Cultura Nova Heerlen Door Eefje Pieters

Cultura Nova Festival in Heerlen



Prefer going to the theatre? Then head to PLT, or Parkstad Limburg Theatre. Located in the heart of Heerlen, among other places, the theatre is the artistic beating heart of the performing arts in Limburg. Its programming includes cabaret, music, dance, children's theatre, and much more. 

Ibe Heerlen Door Eefje Pieters

Breakdance Event The Notorious IBE in Heerlen


Sit down and enjoy 

Heerlen has a rich selection of restaurants and (food) pubs. SCHUNCK is located in the heart of the city centre, right between Pancratiusplein and the Bongerd, where most of the catering establishments are located. In the Glaspaleis you can enjoy delicious bagels and coffees at Bagels & Beans during the day, and from noon onwards you can enjoy a Bib Gourmand-winning meal at Brasserie Mijn Streek on the 5th (highest) floor.

The phenomenal view is free of charge.