FAQ about Music and Dance
Perhaps there's already and answer to your questions. Find the fastest answers to your questions down below.
How many lessons are in a course year at SCHUNCK Music and Dance?
What happens when a lesson is cancelled?
Are there lessons during school-free days?
What is the duration of an enrolment?
What discount schemes are there?
What is the maximum time it takes to process a registration?
How long does it take to process a trial lesson?
How do I know if my registration was successful?
How do I unenroll as a course participant?
What happens upon unenrolment and in regard to possible refunds?
When does billing take place?
When does direct debit take place?
What happens in the event of unenrolment and/or refunds?
Which payment methods are possible?
Can a payment method be changed?
How can I change my bank account number?
Am I eligible for financial support?