SCHUNCK Glaspaleis Patio 2022

Start of construction Art Depot and Atrium

Credits: Luc Lodder
Work starts from Monday 17 October.

On Monday 17 October, construction of the Kijkdepot and Atrium will start. SCHUNCK will get extra space in the form of a Kijkdepot, on the side of the music school. The patio (the 'grey box'), which you can now look into from above, will be covered to create an Atrium. Adjacent to the Atrium, Heerlen's art collection will be on display in changing presentations in the Kijkdepot. This space will soon be freely accessible to everyone.

What will take place in the coming period

  • Work will start 17 October 2022 and last until February 2023.
  • From week 47 (21 November): realisation of the canopy, which will be ready in January 2023.

What will you notice?

  • At the vide (around the current indoor area), the work area will be permanently closed off by construction fences. This will close off part of Pancratiusplein/Bongerd to unauthorised persons.
  • The ramp between the Glaspaleis and the music school will remain open but, when the crane is in use, will be temporarily closed for safety reasons.
  • From the Pancratiusplein, you can no longer walk into the corridor between the Glaspaleis and the store window, but you can do so from the Bongerd. There will be work traffic in front of part of the store window, on the side of the music school, so the store window will not be fully visible.

In the Glaspaleis, work will start in and around the museum gallery to create the Kijkdepot and Atrium. As a visitor, you will experience noise nuisance to a greater or lesser extent during this period. In addition, it will be busy in and around the Glaspaleis with construction companies, their employees and building materials. In practice, they work most often between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. With heavy work preferably starting after 8:00 a.m.

Afbeelding tekening afzetting gebied.png
Toelichting tekening afzetting gebied.png

The above map gives an idea of the area to be cordoned off with construction fences (between the red stripes). In which the ramp will only be closed when the crane is in use.