Nancy Nijsten's selection opens at Art Depot on Friday
After the first 'The selection of', by Emile Roemer, it is now the turn of Nancy Nijsten. She has made a selection from the SCHUNCK Collection on behalf of support group 'Een hart voor een ander' from Heerlen.
SCHUNCK's Art Depot consists of three different rooms, each with a different exhibition. Two rooms always make up a themed exhibition that changes every six months. The first exhibition gets the theme 'looking', with works from the collection that people really have to look at, that contain surprises, or that put you on the wrong track. The third room has space for the exhibition curated by a guest. It changes four times a year.
After the first exhibition, curated by Emile Roemer, it is now the turn of Nancy Nijsten. On behalf of the support group 'Een hart voor een ander' from Heerlen, she has made a selection from the SCHUNCK Collection, which can be seen from 26 April.
Andrei Roiter, Big O, 2007, olieverf en acrylverf op doek, 140 x 160 cm, collectie SCHUNCK, gemeente Heerlen.
"It is something outside my comfort zone because I don't really know that much about art, but I really enjoyed experiencing how curating art works. The painting that attracted me the most and really stuck with me was a large canvas by artist David Bade. It is colourful and gives a bit of an eighties feel. Unfortunately, at 260 x 350 cm, it was too big to fit in the Art Depot. The second work that really appealed to me did show up in my exhibition: the painting Big O by Andrei Roiter. It immediately made me think of a mine shaft. I would hang this painting in my living room myself. I chose the other works on display by feeling," Nancy says.
About 'Een hart voor een ander'
The team of 'Een hart voor een ander' is committed to fighting poverty in Heerlerheide, a neighbourhood in Heerlen-North. They do this by distributing food parcels and organising the monthly event 'Koffietijd' to fight loneliness.
Nancy's choice can be seen from 26 April to 8 September 2024