Driver's Seat 2014-2015
Driver's Seat* 2014-2015 had an incredibly busy schedule.
Besides some challenging workshops and fun and educational working visits, the members have been especially busy creating their own exhibition 'Zo helder als m'n erwtensoep' (or: As clear as my pea soup).
An exhibition of their own!
The 2014-2015 Driver's Seat* members aimed to create their own exhibition from A to Z using the SCHUNCK collection as a starting point. This resulted in the exhibition 'Zo helder als m'n erwtensoep'.
The question Driver's Seat* asked itself is "What do I really see?!". This question formed the guiding principle throughout the exhibition.
Zo helder als m'n erwtensoep
'Zo helder als m'n erwtensoep', was the final result of several months of hard, creative and, above all, collaborative work. The group selected works that they felt raised the question, "What do I (really) see?!". This could be about reality in its broadest sense. From portraits, to abstract paintings or a maquette. All these forms of art were on display in the exhibition.
The public enjoyed this exceptional exhibition from 26 September 2014 to 18 January 2015.
And much more...
Making your own exhibition is quite a job, of course. We also followed several workshops to get acquainted with daily practice at SCHUNCK and multidisciplinary projects! Literature, music, dance, architecture and visual arts, it was all covered.
But there was also plenty of room for fun outings: working visits in Eindhoven, Sittard and The Hague.