Driver's Seat 2023-2024
These are the Driver's Seat members of 2023-2024!
Fleur about Joep
Last year, Joep watched an evening at Driver's Seat and it turned out to be a success: he is now a member! He is training as an art teacher and he makes his own visual art. In Erwin Wurm's studio, Joep would like to take a look.
Joep about Fleur
Fleur joined Driver's Seat because she would like a behind-the-scenes look at the art world. This is also nice because it gives her something of a hands-on experience alongside her studies. If you were to ask her who her favourite artist is, she says Kehinde Wiley. So you know. A relaxing day for her is very chill, with a good book and fine music....
Amber about Shannon
This is Shannon. She's in Driver's Seat because she's no longer taking art at school, but would still like to be involved in it. She likes realistic art best. In her spare time, Shannon likes to ride horses and dance. Shannon's favourite artist is Sylvia Plath.
Shannon about Amber
This is Amber. She was in Driver's Seat last year and is now joining again because she enjoys meeting people with similar interests. Her favourite artist is Bruce Springsteen, she would love to take a look at his studio. In her free time, Amber likes to watch a film or series or go out and do something fun with friends.
Anneke about Phaedra
This is Phaedra. If Phaedra could make an exhibition, she would want to make a duo exhibition together with Francine Oomen. In which Francine and Phaedra's work would be combined into a celebration of literature and art. Phaedra visits Driver's Seat not just for the sour rolls, but mostly for an adventure outside school.
Emma about Ewoud
Ewoud is no stranger to Driver's Seat and enjoys visiting local museums with other young people. If Ewoud had enough money, he would love to have Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night hanging in his living room. Currently, Ewoud is working on a project that focuses on connection, painting his mother in all kinds of everyday situations; a kind of ode to his mother.
Ewoud about Emma
This is Emma, this is her first year at Driver's Seat, she is here to meet new creative people. A big passion of Emma's is music. Right now she is playing the guitar a lot and later she wants to be in a band. An artist Emma would love to meet is Stevie Nicks. If she had to define what her perfect day looks like, she would mainly be creative in her room and enjoy nature with a walk.
Phaedra about Anneke
This is Anneke, our coach. Not only does she look artistic, she is! Ideally, she would love to create an exhibition with all her friends from art school and then organise a big sleep-over during the build-up.